Isn't it time you got to know Victory?

What We Believe

Who We Are

Independent and Fundamental

Victory Baptist Church is not your typical Baptist church.  We are independent and fundamental.  Being independent means that we do not belong to any association or convention nor are we bound to any other governing body of any kind.  We decide for ourselves how we function based solely upon Scriptural principles and the fundamental doctrines of the Bible.

Being fundamental means that we believe the Bible is the Word of God and is entirely accurate and truthful.  Our practice our preaching and our teaching are based solely upon the Bible.  We believe the Bible does not contain the Word of God, but rather it is the Word of God.  Our commitment is not to make the Bible more palatable, but to make it more available through our outreach as well as our services.

There are a few things you will not find at Victory Baptist Church.  You will not find modernistic views or practices.  You will not find a disrespectful environment or casual attitude toward the things of God.  You will not find an apology for our elevated view of God and all things that pertain to God.

What you will find is a warm, friendly and caring church where you will be loved and accepted.  You will find people who love people.  You will find a place where you can learn what God has for you and what God expects of you.  You will find a family where you will fit in regardless of your origins or your status.  You will find a warm embrace and a nurturing spirit where you can connect with the God who loves you and wants to bless you in amazing ways.

Since we are undergoing a rebuilding and restructuring phase, will, perhaps, not find some of the amenities offered by some of the larger churches.  However, what you will find is a place to serve.  If you want to be used of God to accomplish something on this planet far more important and far bigger than we are, Victory is the place for you.  There are currently and there will be more opportunities for service than you can imagine.

If you’re looking for a place to fit in, if you’re looking for a place to feel a sense of belonging, if you’re looking for a place to be loved, if you’re looking for a place to serve, you’ve found it.  All that is missing to make your search complete is you attending Victory.

Isn’t it time you had Victory in your life?

Get the answers

We believe everyone deserves to know the answers to the basic questions that trouble every human being.  We are ready and willing to help you find your answers.  They can all be found in Jesus Christ.

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Statement of Faith


We believe the Bible as preserved in the King James Version is the complete and inspired Word of God.  By complete we mean that it is the entire revelation of God to man about Himself and His plan for man.  We believe there is no need for additional revelations from any other source past or present.  God has chosen to reveal His message to mankind through His Word.  I Peter 1:21

By inspired we mean that God breathed the very words to those various men and women through whom He gave the revelation.  He gave them the very words He intended them to write, not just the thoughts or ideas.  Thus, God means what He says in His Word.  We believe that this inspired Word is the basis of all doctrine for living as a Christian in this modern world.  We believe its message is relevant for men and women today.  I Timothy 3:16, 17

We believe there is only one God manifest in three persons.  God is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  We believe God is the creator of the universe including this world and mankind.  We believe that the world and all in it are answerable to Him as Sovereign Ruler.  We believe He is infinitely holy, just, loving and gracious.  Genesis 1:1; John 1:1; Colossians 1:16, 17

We believe that man was created in the image of God, but chose to sin and thus became the recipients of God’s assigned penalty of death and ultimate eternal condemnation.  We believe the only means of forgiveness and eternal life is personal faith in God’s Son as Savior.  Genesis 1:27; Romans 5:12; Revelation 21:8; Romans 6:23

We believe that Jesus Christ is entirely God and entirely human.  He was with God in the eternal past and was born into this world through the womb of a virgin.  John 1:1, 14; 10:30, Hebrews 13:8; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; Philippians 2:5-11

We believe that Jesus Christ bore our sins in His own body on the cross when He died for us, having voluntarily offered Himself unto God as a substitutionary sacrifice for sin.  I Peter 2:24; II Corinthians 5:21; Isaiah 53:6

We believe that following His death on the cross He was buried and arose bodily three days later.  We believe that He returned visibly and physically to heaven where He now sits at His Father’s right hand and serves as the one and only mediator between us and God as our all-sufficient “High Priest, Advocate and Intercessor.”  We believe that He is coming again in power and great glory.  I Corinthians 15:3-8; Acts 1:10, 11; Hebrews 4:14-16; I Thessalonians 4:16-18; John 14:1-3

We believe we have a holy mandate from the Lord Jesus Christ to proclaim the Gospel throughout the entire world through what is commonly called the “Great Commission.”  In keeping with that commission from our Savior, we are compelled to baptize new believers and aid them in getting involved in church.  We believe it to be our responsibility to assist in establishing New Testament Churches both in our own country and in countries around the world.  We understand this great work can only be accomplished by the enabling of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15, 16; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:41

We believe we have a Divine directive to adhere to Biblical distinctives historically held by Baptists for nearly two thousand years.  Among these distinctives are the clear separation of church and state, the purity and autonomy of the local church under the headship of Christ, the priesthood of all believers, the two Biblical offices of pastor and deacon, baptism by immersion of believers in water which like the Lord’s Supper is a symbolic ordinance and last but not least the eternal security of the believer.

We believe we are bound by the Word of God to refrain from spiritual fellowship with unbelievers or to participate in organizations that embrace modernism and modernists such as the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States, The Canadian Council of Churches of Christ, The World Council of Churches, The Baptist World Alliance, and other such groups that tolerate liberal theology.

We believe the Scriptures prophesy of a great apostasy which will ultimately result in an anti-biblical one-world church.  For this reason we unalterably oppose the present spirit of ecumenism which is actively working toward building such a church and is fostered by the previously mentioned organizations as well as Eastern Orthodoxy and the Vatican.

We believe Jesus Christ will physically, visibly and personally return to the earth in like manner as He was seen to go into heaven: that His Second Coming will be preceded by a litany of Last Days' events beginning a calling out of all the redeemed, the Rapture.  We believe the Rapture will end the time of the New Testament Church, and will begin the time of Jacob's Trouble: a seven-year Tribulation Period and reign of antichrist; that the Tribulation will culminate with Armageddon: the final terrible event in world history when the Lord Jesus, with heaven's host, returns victoriously making the kingdoms of this world to become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; that upon the Second Coming of Christ, the Lord shall reign in righteousness on the earth for one thousand years, climaxing with the final condemnation of Satan and the last judgment of Revelation Chapter Twenty; and that, eternally thereafter, the Lord Jesus Christ shall reign for ever and ever.   (See our Articles of Faith for Scriptural texts.)

If we can answer any question for you about the Bible, salvation or our doctrinal position, please feel free to call or write.We will be happy to talk with you about the wonderful truths of God’s Word.If you would like to know, right, now, how you can know for sure that you are on your way to heaven, click here for God’s simple plan.